Assistants to the khokims are among people ("Uzbekiston" makhalla)

Assistants to the khokims are among people (

In our country, the "makhallabay" system was introduced for the first time. What is the nature of this position for you, how do you see and understand it?

"It is not the people who should serve the state bodies, but the state that should serve the people." This principle, put forward by our President and occupying an increasingly deep place in our lives today, serves as the basis for our compatriots to live a decent life. After the assistants of the khokim entered the life of the people, the confidence of the population in state bodies was achieved. Many issues can now be resolved without leaving the makhalla, without unnecessary runaround. I should also add that today people have started to trust the state and responsible leaders, since the organization of household work in makhallas helps to solve problems that have not been solved for years.

Tell us more about your area of responsibility. What social infrastructure facilities are there in the makhalla (school, kindergarten, medical center, etc.)?

— Our makhalla is located in the center of the district, there are 751 households in it. There are 930 families living on the territory, the total population is 3015 people, 1010 of them are young people. According to the results of the 2022 survey, 78 unemployed citizens were identified. To date, 51 people have been employed, the number of low-income families is 18. The main drivers of the makhalla are tailoring (clothing production) and auto repair. On the territory of the makhalla there are 2 private non-governmental preschool educational organizations, 1 private polyclinic and 1 pharmacy.

In makhalla, 40% of residents are engaged in entrepreneurship, another 10% have established their activities in the field of tailoring. Women produce and sell semi-finished knitwear at home. Another area of entrepreneurship includes the maintenance of cars, the manufacture of car covers and the sale of car accessories.

— How did you establish contact with the residents of the makhalla, how did you get acquainted with the makhalla?

— After being appointed to the post of assistant to the khokim, I received the blessing of my family members and started working with the leaders of the citizens' gathering. With the most active, responsible residents of the makhalla, I outlined the problems of the makhalla and the plans to be implemented in the future. Coming to each household, I started to solve specific issues and problems, and within three days I sought a positive solution to the question posed. Thanks to this, I can say that I have managed to strengthen the confidence of the population in the work of the assistant to the khokim and in the reforms that are being promoted today. I am glad that as a result of my work during the year, the residents of the makhalla welcomed me cordially. So I go on to proudly fulfill my duty to my dear family and Homeland.

As an assistant to the khokim, you must have conducted a number of studies and surveys in the makhalla. Please tell us in detail about their results, what have you been able to identify?

— When studying the unemployment rate in our makhalla during the survey, it turned out that, basically, the women of the makhalla are unemployed because they do not have any knowledge and skills. They believed me that they have the opportunity to study handicraft for free and have an income without leaving home. At the beginning of the year, 13 women were trained in tailoring and other unemployed women expressed a desire to learn the profession they were interested in. Today we also have women who teach as masters.

What are the main causes of poverty that have been identified as a result of the conducted research and studies among the residents of the makhalla? What approaches have you developed to eliminate them and solve existing problems? What measures are you taking and planning to implement in these areas?

— As a result of the survey, I met different families. Each family has its own environment and mindset. Depending on the interests and efforts of citizens, I exchanged ideas with them, gave advice on directions.

I believe that the main cause of poverty is the lack of sufficient skills and knowledge. The main thing is to give people motivation, to instill in the consciousness of the unemployed population that for a good life it is necessary to keep trying and be in search. As a result, I managed to instill in women a sense of aspiration for the future, thanks to this, many of them received free training in the profession, loans and subsidies were allocated for them, women entrepreneurs were formed from living a boring life while sitting in front of the TV. There are also families who think that the state is obliged to provide for them and their children. I can say with confidence that today we have prevented the impoverishment of families due to the fact that women sitting at home without work have started earning at home.

We have clear plans for 2023. One of them is the creation of an educational center from an empty makhalla building, as well as encouraging all citizens who are in the "Youth Notebook", "Women's Notebook" and "Iron Notebook" to get a profession through free vocational training and the introduction of benefits for them.

Tell me, what work has been done in the makhalla in terms of expanding self-employment of the population?

— I witnessed that citizens live in the makhalla who were directly engaged in entrepreneurship at home, but lived with fear that the tax authorities would knock on their door, because they conducted activities without organizing a business entity. I was able to explain them correctly that citizens through self-employment can register and start their activities without fear and that self-employed people do not pay taxes on their income. Thanks to this system, many citizens were provided with employment. As a result of the provision of tax benefits for the self-employed population and the abolition of many restrictions, thousands of citizens have started their legal work.

Based on your experience, tell me for what reasons there are in the recorded cases of poverty in the makhalla? What else do you think needs to be done to reduce the level of poverty?

— In general, one of the main causes of poverty is inactivity, laziness, lack of desire for the future, unwillingness to study. All this, in the end, negatively affects people's lives. Although today people are provided with many opportunities to get out of poverty, as well as financial support, subsidies, a number of tax benefits to help citizens start their own business, but not everyone uses these opportunities correctly. Unfortunately, this attitude is found in many families in our society.

We can develop only if we first change ourselves, act independently and do not demand anything from anyone. A person should look for guilt not in the teacher, father and mother, the chairman of the makhalla, but in himself. Only when a person takes action, the level of poverty will decrease. Also, increasing attention to education in the family will serve to create a healthy environment in the family — this is the first step to a prosperous life.

The availability and condition of transport, energy, utilities, social and other infrastructures are important for the sustainable development of the makhalla. How can you describe the problems of the makhalla in this regard, what work is being done to solve them?

— When I arrived at the makhalla, I found out that a new transformer was brought to Takhtakuprik Street six months ago, but it was never installed and put into operation. As a result of appeals from residents of the makhalla, on March 14, 2022, the new head of the district electric grid company promised to install reinforced concrete supports for the operation of the transformer. I didn't leave the new manager alone for 2 days until this problem was completely solved. On March 16, 2022, reinforced concrete supports were delivered to the makhalla, and the old transformer was replaced with a new one.

Together with the citizens, we planned to asphalt internal roads, and in the second season of the draft initiative budget of 2022, we introduced our own initiative and won 1 billion 200 million sums for asphalting 2500 meters of internal roads along Sohibkor Street.

As part of the "Yashil Makon" program, at the initiative of citizens and sponsors, seedlings of fruit trees were planted on the vacant lands of the makhalla. In addition, in the first season of the project "Initiative Budget" in 2023, citizens and I made our initiative, since our street, which became the winner in the previous season, this time needed a transformer, concrete supports and night lighting, after which, thanks to the cohesion of our residents, we reached the goal and won 540 million sums.

What are the main "growth points" (drivers) that can best ensure the economic development of your makhalla?

— I determined the growth points of the makhalla based on the specialization of the population in entrepreneurial activity. In the makhalla "Uzbekiston", the service sector is mainly developed. For example, Fortuna food cafe employs 48 employees, 32 of them are residents of this particular makhalla. In the field of car service, our makhalla car service occupies a special place in the district. Car services organized by 13 entrepreneurs are actively operating. Also, a lot of work is being done in the field of tailoring in our makhalla. There are 4 sewing workshops in the region where unemployed women sew semi-finished products.

Today in our country there is a tough fight against any manifestations of corruption. What are you doing to prevent it?

— I believe that if there are no difficulties with obtaining loans by citizens, if public services are provided in a timely manner, without waiting for inappropriate offers such as bribes to be made, then no one will resort to corruption. But in our society, unfortunately, there are people who say: "Your father was my friend, please speed up this loan for me," "Let's agree and I won't leave you without a share." First of all, we must be able to control our greed and justify the trust reposed in us. Public control and transparency also play an important role in preventing corruption.

What has changed in the makhalla during your activity, how do the residents feel about it? Has their confidence in the institute of the assistants to the khokims and the makhallabay system as a whole increased?

— I can say that as a result of my activities, the socio-economic condition of the makhalla and the standard of living of the population have improved. In particular, over the past time, I have made a proposal for the targeted use of an empty building of a former supermarket for residents of the makhalla, as a result, an exemplary private kindergarten, additional retail stores and a small clothing workshop were opened in its place. Assistance was also provided in the employment of young students who graduated from the university. I didn't do all this alone — I was sincerely supported by local activists and residents. I always feel the trust and support of the people.

You know, the fact that I managed to gain the trust of the residents of the makhalla, their sincerity towards me, always motivates me in my work. People say to me: "Even if you are nominated for a higher position, we will elect you chairman of the makhalla and keep you with us." These words are the greatest achievement in my career.

Thank you for your sincere answers.

Jamoliddin Turdimov, CERR

"Economic Review" Journal №4/2023

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