Assistants to the khokims are among people ("Mozortagi" makhalla)

Assistants to the khokims are among people (

– What have you achieved during your first year in this position in terms of improving the living conditions and well-being of the population?

Based on questionnaires and analytical data, unemployed and low-income citizens, as well as residents wishing to engage in entrepreneurship, were initially studied, and separate work was carried out on them. During 2022, 48 unemployed citizens wishing to receive income to engage in family business were provided with 850 million sums of funds, and 12 unemployed women were provided with tools of labor worth 68 million sums on the basis of subsidies. In addition, 45 new jobs were created and employment of unemployed citizens was ensured by creating 16 new legal entities and 22 individual entrepreneurs. 128 unemployed citizens were sent to seasonal work at service facilities located in the region, in particular, to recreation areas, where they were assisted in obtaining income.

– Tell us about the results of your activities in 2023, what successes have been achieved in such areas as employment of the unemployed, vocational training, entrepreneurship, support for the low-income population, improvement of mahallas. What do you consider the most important thing that was done for society last year?

– In 2023, unemployed men and women, and young people from the mahalla underwent training in professions, 12 residents were provided with tools of labor on the basis of subsidies, 42 citizens were allocated concessional loans within the framework of the family entrepreneurship development program, and 21 new business entities were created and employment of 42 unemployed people was ensured. A project to lay asphalt on 3.8 km of internal roads, which won the participatory budgeting vote twice in a row, was implemented, and the material and technical base of school №38 was strengthened.

– What are the priority tasks for the development of your mahalla this year? What other plans are there in this direction? What has already been achieved and what needs to be done in the future?

– A mahalla development program was developed, and the first thing we decided was to eliminate the factors that negatively affect the mood of the mahalla population. In particular, practical work was carried out to improve the infrastructure of the mahalla, repair internal roads, solve problems with electricity supply, and improve conditions for the activities of entrepreneurs. Of course, where there are conditions, there will be development. During the past period, 48 new business entities were opened, and it was also possible to organize types of services that were not previously available in the region. 6.3 billion sums were allocated from the republican and local budgets for the development of the mahalla. A plan was developed for the village of Avval in the region to obtain the status of "Tourist Village" and proposals were made in this regard. (See inset).

The potential of Avval village to obtain the status of "Tourist Village"

There are 4,110 households in the territory of Avval village (MSG Birdamlik, Avval, Mozortagi, Korasuv, Oktepa, Urtakishlok and Damkul), and the total population is 19,046 people. The village is located 15 km from the center of Fergana, and public transport routes have been established.

Currently, there are a number of tourist services and facilities in the village. Among them are the Khujampashsho shrine, natural healing springs, national cuisine teahouses, an amusement park, the "Yetti Bulak" sanatorium, households with peacocks and horses, through which horseback riding can be organized, cultural and entertainment services (tightrope walkers, national askiya, dancers), gastronomic services (national dishes, culinary competitions, master classes), a market (dekhkan, grocery, clothing, cattle driving, poultry) that operates every Saturday, health center services (massage, shaping, SPA), beauty center services, a modern photo studio, the House-Museum of the poet Hamza Hakimzada Niyazi, car services, the Jome mosque, and others.

To turn this region into a specialized tourist village, the following additional services need to be organized. In particular: National family guest houses with more than 20 rooms; parking lots; road signs; a tourist map; Wi-Fi zones; sanitary and hygienic stations; a tourist information center.

By applying the benefits provided for tourist areas by Presidential Decree No. 232 dated April 30, 2022 "On additional measures to diversify domestic tourism services", the following results can be achieved. In particular: the flow of tourists can increase by 50 thousand people; the turnover of tourist services is formed; an opportunity is created for tourism businesses to receive income and create more than 500 new jobs; new opportunities appear for young people to start entrepreneurial activities, and the creation of branches of the republic's leading tour operators in this area will increase their opportunities to attract tourists.

Read fullПомощники хокима — среди народа (махалля "Мозортаги")

Jamoliddin Turdimov, CERR

"Economic Review" Journal №8/2024

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