Car market overview in CERR estimates

Car market overview in CERR estimates

The Center for Economic Research and Reforms regularly analyzes the situation in the automotive market of Uzbekistan. According to the results of July, total sales of motor vehicles in the republic increased by 17.4% to almost 102 thousand units. Year-on-year, activity decreased by 29.4%.

The situation in the passenger car segment

In July, there was an increase in sales of passenger cars by 18.6% to 92 thousand units.

The passenger car market has also declined year-on-year, with sales falling by more than 30% over the year.

The dynamics of passenger car sales in the regional context shows that in July the largest growth was recorded in Namangan, Kashkadarya and Andijan regions, by 52%, 36% and 29%, respectively.

The situation in the primary car market

In the primary passenger car market, sales in July increased by 17% compared to the previous month, which is more than 4 thousand cars more than a month earlier. In annual terms, there was a decline in activity by 12%.

In July, the trend towards an increase in sales rates in the segment of new cars of domestic production also continued. In particular, sales of such cars increased by 17.5%. In annual terms, there is a decline in activity - by 6%.

The segment of passenger cars is stagnating

The market of foreign passenger cars in the Uzbek market has started to grow. In July, sales in this segment increased by 9.6% and amounted to 2.6 thousand units, which is 200 more foreign cars than a month earlier.

This relatively small increase in activity does not compensate for the decrease in sales in annual terms, which amounted to about 46.5% compared to last year.

The secondary market of passenger cars

The situation in the secondary passenger car market is characterized by an increase in sales dynamics, maintaining the trend of an annual decrease in sales volumes.

In particular, in July, activity in the secondary passenger car market increased by 19.6% compared to the previous month. During the reporting period, about 61.5 thousand cars were sold in this segment. Overall, sales decreased by 37% over the year.

The situation on the electric vehicle market

In July, the segment of passenger electric vehicles showed an increase in sales. The sales volume amounted to 3.4 thousand units, which is more than 390 more cars than in June. At the same time, compared to the level of July last year, sales of electric vehicles increased by 28%.

In the primary market of electric vehicles in Uzbekistan, sales increased by 11.2% over the month, while the secondary market shows an increase of more than 18.2%. Year-on-year, sales of supported electric vehicles have tripled.

CERR Public Relations Sector

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