Economic development of Uzbekistan in the first half of 2024

Economic development of Uzbekistan in the first half of 2024

According to the results of the first half of the year, there is an acceleration in the growth rate of the Uzbek economy. According to the Statistics Agency, gross domestic product increased by 6.4% in January-June 2024 (6.2% for the same period in 2023).

There was a positive trend in the economies of the main trading partners in the 1st half of the year. In Kazakhstan, GDP grew by 3.3%, in Kyrgyzstan - by 8.1%. In China, the economy grew by 5% during the period under review. In Russia, according to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, GDP grew by 5% in January-May.

Inflation. In the first half of the year, prices increased by 5.2% compared to December last year. Inflation is accelerating – by the end of June 2023, the consumer price index increased by 3.5%. In annual terms, inflation has also accelerated to 10.6% (by the end of June 2023 – 9%). At the same time, since the beginning of the year, food prices have decreased by 1.3% (in June 2023 – an increase of 4.1%). Prices for non–food products increased by 3.3% compared to December of the previous year (June 2023 - 3.1%). The main impact on the consolidated CPI was a 21.1% increase in prices for services (June 2023 – 2.9%) against the background of an increase in energy tariffs. Thus, in 6 months, prices for electricity, gas and other fuels increased by 66%.

The unprecedented investment activity of the first three months since the beginning of the year (growth by 75%) has slowed down somewhat, but remains high. In January-June, the volume of investments in fixed assets increased by 37%. Centralized investments increased by 21%. Non-centralized investments increased by 39%. There is a high growth of foreign direct investment by 47%. The volume of investments at the expense of enterprises increased by 4.3%, the funds of the population by 3.9%, but decreased at the expense of banks by 27%.

In general, by the end of the half-year, the share of centralized investments decreased to 10.7%, while the share of non-centralized investments increased to 89.3%, respectively.

There is an increase in production in all sectors of the economy.

The volume of agricultural output increased by 3.8% (also 3.8% in January-June 2023). The output of crop and livestock production increased by 3.8%, forestry by 2.8%, and fishing by 4.6%.

Industrial production in the first half of the year increased by 7.8% (in January-June 2023 – 5.6%). By sector, production in the manufacturing industry increased by 9.4% (January-June 2023 – 6.3%), in the extractive industry by 0.5%. Output growth slowed in the sectors of electricity, gas supply, gas supply and air conditioning to 4.3% (January-June 2023 - 9.9%), water supply and waste disposal to 0.3% (January-June 2023 – 3.6%).

Output in the construction sector grew at a faster pace in the first half of the year – 10.1% versus 5.6% in January-June 2023.

The volume of market services provided increased by 12.9% in January-June of this year (12.3% in the same period last year). By service sector, the largest growth was observed in information and communications by 20%, financial services by 20%, education by 22%, real estate services by 13%, and healthcare by 11%. Retail turnover increased by 8.4% (by 6.9% in the 1st half of 2023).

In the field of transport, the volume of services provided increased by 6.5%, cargo turnover by 4%, passenger turnover by 5.3%.

The growth rate of foreign trade volumes has slowed down compared to last year's figures. Thus, foreign trade turnover increased by 8.5% to $ 32 billion (in January-June 2023, the growth was 20%). Exports increased by 5.5% (January-June 2023 – 25%) to $ 13 billion, imports - by 10.6% (January-June 2023 – 17%) to $18.8 billion.

In January-June 2024, exports of fuel and energy materials increased by 40%, chemical products by 33%, services by 26%, and raw materials by 8%. At the same time, exports of food products decreased by 2.3%, industrial goods by 3%, and various finished products by 13%.

During the period under review, imports of fuel and energy materials increased by 66%, services by 57%, finished goods by 7.4%, machinery and transport equipment by 5.6%, and industrial goods by 2.1%.


In general, the first half of this year was favorable for the economy of Uzbekistan. Business and investment activity allowed us to reach a leading trend.

Ruslan Abaturov, CERR

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