Assistants to the khokims are among people ("Kamarsada" makhalla)

Assistants to the khokims are among people (
— Since 2022, in our country, the "makhallabay" system was introduced for the first time, as a result of which support for entrepreneurship, ensuring the standard of living and employment of the population began to be carried out at the makhalla level, and assistants to the khokims began their activities in all makhallas. What is the nature of this position for you, how do you see and understand it?
— First of all, the introduction by the President of the "makhallabay" system and the establishment of the position of the assistant to the khokim in the makhallas is a good undertaking. To be honest, for me personally, it was another test in life. Because, in the words of our Head of State, "the position of assistant to the khokim is a big arena that gives an opportunity to take a place in the National Personnel Reserve, if working correctly and honestly, to show your potential and capabilities." I believe that today is the time to promote human interests, improve people's lives, listen to their problems and thereby change someone's life.

Therefore, the assistant to the khokim, first of all, must be an entrepreneur, active and not afraid of problems, the only way he can win someone's trust. To become an entrepreneur, you first need to gain self-confidence. If we study the main problem of poverty, we can see that it is based on insecurity. But it is impossible to make an unemployed and poor person an entrepreneur only through confidence, it is important first to create an environment for such people, which can include a group of hardworking, enterprising, rich people around.

— Can you give detailed information about your makhalla? Where is it located, in the village or in the city, what is its size, what large enterprises are available for the employment of residents of the makhalla, what types of activities are the local population engaged in?
— Our makhalla is located in the center of the Chust district (the territory with the status of the Chust district khokimiyat). The total area is 80 hectares, there are 600 households, where 3500 people live in 1200 families. It has 2 central and 8 intermediate streets, 10 streets and 5 makhallas adjoin it, along the central streets there are buildings of trade and services owned by more than 150 entrepreneurs. Also on the territory of the mahalla there are 4 schools, administrative buildings of 30 state organizations.

Most residents of the makhalla are engaged in trade and service at the central Dehkan market, in the Mavlono Lutfullah Park of Culture and Recreation, which is famous for its Chust pilaf. Tourism services and trade have also become the drivers of the makhalla. During the season, the territory of the makhalla is visited by about 5,000 tourists a day. Thanks to this indicator, it is possible to greet and see off 450-500 thousand tourists until the end of the season. Of course, this serves as a source of income for the organization of production and maintenance work in the homes of the population. Residents of the makhalla mainly consume agricultural products themselves from their homesteads.

— What kind of research and surveys have you conducted here as an assistant to the khokim? Please tell us in detail about their results. What have you found out? Which social groups of the population make up the majority in the makhalla, how many poor and vulnerable people need support, how developed is entrepreneurship? Is it possible to show the "social portrait" of your makhalla in numbers?
— In the process of studying households and families, I witnessed that due to the impact of the pandemic, unemployment and dependency in the makhalla rose to a very high level, there were tensions in the relations of citizens with each other and entrepreneurs with the bank, and the provision of inappropriate loans in excessive amounts brought the makhalla to a general difficult situation. Almost every third household or 2 members of 3 families in one household took out non-targeted loans, and this further complicated the situation of getting out of the pandemic. As a result, the possibility of eliminating economic contradictions and disagreements, softening the position of banks, as well as measures to get rid of the debts of debtors turned out to be in an almost hopeless situation. Unfortunately, many households have come to the point that they have begun to repay the previous loan at the expense of a new loan.

Recommendations were made that the only way to solve the problem is to eliminate debt by returning citizens to work or taking measures to employ them in profitable jobs. In particular, I began to give detailed recommendations so that, through explanations, they would refuse to apply for a purposeless online loan and instead take measures to organize work in a new direction. As it turned out, most of the 80 online loan applications submitted were used to cash out money or meet personal needs, after which 12 of them were given recommendations to determine a specific goal.

Another problem in makhalla is the situation observed in every 2nd household, where 2-3 families live in conditions in which only one family can live, and in some households up to 4 families live, which leads to various unpleasant cases. It is sad that our makhalla accounted for 2 out of 4 murders and 1/3 of fraud cases committed last year in the district. The worst thing is that as a result of this problem, women get divorced and return to their father's house with 2-3 children, and a single lifestyle is observed in 1 out of 4 households. Because no one wants to leave a ready-made house and look for separate housing, everyone wants to live in the center.

To solve this problem, during a meeting with the governor of the region, they asked for practical help in creating multi-storey houses on the site of empty and unproductive areas in the makhalla, to increase subsidy quotas, and then took all this under control. The adoption of the relevant decision of the khokim of the region on the allocation of free housing to 30 families without shelter in the makhalla by the end of 2022 was the effect of this work.

— For the sustainable development of the makhalla, the availability and condition of transport, energy, utilities, social and other infrastructure are important. How can you describe the problems of the makhalla in this regard, what is being done to solve them and improve the makhalla?
— One of the long-standing problems of the makhalla is the damage caused by heavy rains and floods during spring rains, as a result of which the irrigation systems of most businesses and the population fail. And due to the complete absence of a sewage system, the environmental situation worsens every year, which creates a number of inconveniences in the service of guests coming to the Chust district, and causes many complaints. In this regard, the President has allocated a loan in the amount of $70 million at the expense of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and a number of proposals have been developed for the effective use of these funds on the ground with the participation and control of the mahalla and the public.

The designers were provided with specific proposals on issues related to the construction of a new 5.5 km sewer network and the supply of clean drinking water with a length of 1.5 km. Thanks to this, it is planned to solve the problem of families of about 50 households suffering during heavy rains and floods, as well as to improve the sanitary and hygienic condition of the garden.

The residents of Maysali Street in the Kamarsada makhalla, or rather the elders, personally approached me with a problem. According to them, the street is very busy and it is very difficult to get from the street to the highway because of the large traffic flow. As a result, traffic accidents, especially involving schoolchildren, are a real problem. The main thing is that this problem was raised earlier at the level of the previous district leaders, but it did not find its solution. First, I listened to the suggestions of the residents, and in the process of finding a solution at the reception of the head of the sector (Department of Internal Affairs), all responsible persons joined the discussion of the issue. The issue was resolved in a positive way. As an aid, infrastructure organizations have updated electric poles and installed lanterns for night lighting.


Read full interview Помощники хокимов — среди народа (махалля "Камарсада")

Jamoliddin Turdimov, CERR
"Economic Review" Journal №9/2022
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