A preliminary estimate of the minimum consumer spending of the population will be announced in Uzbekistan

A preliminary estimate of the minimum consumer spending of the population will be announced in Uzbekistan

First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ilkhom Norkulov, Deputy Minister of Finance Jamshid Abruyev, Social Policy Advisor of the UNICEF Representative Office in Uzbekistan Umid Aliyev, World Bank expert Vinayak Nagaraj will take part in the event.

A preliminary estimate of the minimum consumer spending of the population in Uzbekistan is expected to be announced.

The message of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Oliy Majlis, which was aimed at increasing the social orientation of reforms, targeted support and increasing incomes of socially vulnerable segments of the population. In this context, a specific task was set to determine the minimum consumer spending as a tool for transition to a new stage in the state's social policy.

It should be noted that for the first time in Uzbekistan, an estimate of the minimum consumer spending will be announced at an official level.

The minimum consumer spending (MCS) of the population is the cost of the minimum set of products, goods and services necessary for human life.

Determining the Minimum Consumer Expenditure is a very difficult and time-consuming task. Its solution will bring a huge social effect, since the minimum consumer spending will underlie the calculations for setting the minimum wage and pensions, basic social benefits: unemployment benefits, childcare, loss of breadwinner, scholarships and others.

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